Towels and Clothing Recommendations: CLICK on the pictures or links below to be taken to our amazon association pages.

Hand Towels 24 Pack (White) $34

Hand towels are highly recommended when zoning to protect your clothing. It's also helpful to have something to wipe your hands on, or to wipe the clients feet off if they are dirty or sweating. I personally prefer white so I can bleach them afterwards.

Working Aprons with Pockets $10-30

A working apron with pockets can be a great way to keep your oils close, while maintaining your professional appearance. This link will take you to tons of options.

Japanese Smock For Work $17

Whatever professional outfit you wear while zoning, it completely your decision. Some zoners like to wear a smock to protect their clothes from oils. This one is adorable!

Scrubs $10-50

Zoning in scrubs is comfortable yet still very professional. You can step into your work outfit and go to work on those feet. The photo is one of our instructors, Shanelle Sayama.

Post Address and Mail


Office: Wellsville, UT.

Classes are held wherever our instructors are located. We have classes in Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, California, Wisconsin, and Online everyone else.

If you would like an in-person class to be taught in your area, send Brad Noall a message. We have instructors willing to travel. Travel locations requirements depend upon availability, number of students in new location, and travel expenses.

Get In Touch

Phone Number: Text or Call

Brad Noall Owner

(435) 764-9532

Office: Wellsville, Utah

Call (435) 764-9532
